NtEdge Features
Seamless integration and automation
The system allows you to set up dynamic tasks for workflow processes, from incorporate your existing BAU calculation to ETL and reporting, which ensures a smooth integration and full automation.
Quick installation
NtEdge is quick and easy to install, configure and adapt. Straight forward with no unnecessary components.
User management
Support Active Directory authentication of users experience. The flexibility of system also allows to manage users and groups within the solution.
User friendly
Simple and clean user interface. Learn to use the software with your intuition, not the thick user manual.
Audit trial
Track all user actions and operations. Monitor and log the status of calculation steps.
Local support
We work with local vendors in your country to provide on-site support.
IFRS Solution
Credit Parameter Estimation

NtEdge Credit Parameter Estimation (NtEdge CPE) provides a variety of ready-to-use models for IFRS 9/CECL credit impairment modelling and macro stress testing. Credit cycles, together with Point-in-Time (PIT) parameters, can be modelled and analyzed with minimal cost of manual efforts. NtEdge CPE allows analysts to focus more on the analysis and less on the technology by eliminating the need for designing, coding and maintaining the model.
With robustness of the framework, users can easily perform industrial analysis for corporates, as well as product analysis for retails. To mitigate the model risk, the module is designed with flexible model validation criteria, along with parallel and comparable approaches to reduce the risk of adopting unsuitable models.
Expected Credit Loss
NtEdge Expected Credit Loss (NtEdge ECL) performs loss reserving required by IFRS 9. Combined with NtEdge CPE, the solution provides a complete set of functionalities to help institutions achieve IFRS 9 compliance.
After the analysis is finished for probability of default and loss given default, NtEdge ECL takes the forward-looking parameters and generate transactional cash flows along with parameters such as effective interest rate (EIR), amortized cost and expected credit loss (12-month and lifetime). Additionally, clients have the option of including their own models for forward-looking parameters, the calculation of which can be automated and plugged onto the solution to calculate ECL at all required levels.